Assessments for Licensing.

Scientific research has repeatedly proven the effectiveness of Dr. Greene’s approach and methods since 1984 with his pioneering training of police SWAT officers performing under pressure. In his study, the officers who received information about their individual tendencies under pressure from a sports psychology assessment, and also learned to Center, performed significantly better in a stress-shooting course than the control group of SWAT officers.

Since then, Dr. Greene has researched and developed his own unique assessments to scientifically measure the individual strengths and specific areas of improvement in several different populations involved in sport learning, performing, coaching, and teaching. These groups include competitive athletes in various as individual and team sports, as well golfers and their teachers. There are also assessments for performing artists such as musicians, dancers, singers, and public speakers, and music teachers, as well as high school students taking standardized tests.

Each assessment takes from 10-15 minutes to complete and measures a different group of tendencies and relevant skills. Depending on the population, these factors and categories would include information about individual tendencies and proficiencies. The areas measured would range from a student’s dominant learning mode(s), brain dominance, and willingness to change to a competitor’s motivation, confidence level, and mental toughness, to a coach or golf instructor’s dominant teaching mode(s), encouragement to change, and amount of patience.

Which assessment(s) you choose to employ depends on your goals and the population of students, athletes, coaches, or golf teachers that you would like to measure and offer valuable feedback. If you are interested in licensing one of our Assessments, contact Dr. Greene to discuss which options are best suited for your needs.

Assessments for Competitive Athletes. 


Competitive Styles Assessment for Athletes.


The Competitive Styles Assessment for Athletes consists of 96 questions specifically related to the mental components of optimal sports performance under pressure. The Assessment measures seven distinct factors involved in competitive success: determination, outlook, energy, poise, distractibility, concentration, and mental toughness.

Ideal for
  • Competitive athletes interested in performing better under pressure

  • Competitors preparing for an important event

  • Individuals who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene


Learning Styles Assessment for Athletes. 


The Learning Styles Assessment for Athletes consists of 80 questions specifically related to different ways to acquire and refine sports skills. The Assessment measures 5 distinct factors involved in athletic learning: modes, preferences, receptivity to change, approach, and optimal learning.

Ideal for
  • Individuals who feel that they are stuck in their learning process

  • Athletes who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene

  • Competitors who want to learn how to master their sport skills

Fight Your Fear and Win Assessment for Athletes.


The Fight Your Fear and Win Assessment accompanies Dr. Greene’s most successful book, Fight Your Fear and Win. This Assessment measures seven critical performance factors for competitive athletes: determination, energy, perspective, courage, focus, poise, and resilience. Using information from this Assessment, you can pinpoint areas needing the most improvement and follow the 21-day plan contained in the book to achieve maximum results.

Ideal for
  • Individuals who would like to achieve their best under pressure
  • Athletes who prefer to work at their own pace with an accompanying book
  • Competitors who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene

Assessments for Esport Gamers.


Esports Individual Player Assessment.


The Esports Individual Player Assessment measures 29 separate but related areas involved in performing your best in solo gaming competition under pressure. These areas include: competitive energy, ability to risk, tactical familiarity, attentional control, and mental toughness.

Ideal for
  • Esports competitors interested in performing better under pressure

  • Esports individual gamers preparing for important competitions

  • Esports athletes who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene


Esports Team Assessment.


The Esports Team Play Assessment measures 25 separate but related areas involved in performing your best in team gaming competition under pressure. These areas include: information processing, non-verbal reading, goal orientation, responding, and leadership role.

Ideal for
  • Esports competitors interested in performing with teammates better under pressure
  • Esports athletes preparing for important team competitions
  • Esports team gamers who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene

Assessments for Athletic Coaches.


Teaching Styles Assessment for Coaches.


The Teaching Styles Assessment for Coaches Profile portrays your individual approach to facilitating learning with your athletes. The Assessment addresses six critical areas involved in facilitating learning: connecting, assessing, modal teaching, providing input, teaching approach, and concluding.

Ideal for
  • Coaches who may be stuck in their own habitual styles
  • Individuals who would like to expand their teaching to reach more athletes
  • Those who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene

Assessments for Golf.


Competitive Styles Assessment for Golfers.


The Competitive Styles Assessment for Golfers measures factors specifically related to the mental components of optimal performance in golf under pressure. The Assessment measures seven distinct but related factors involved in success in golf: determination, outlook, energy, distractibility, concentration, emotional approach, and mental toughness.

Ideal for
  • Golfers interested in scoring better under pressure

  • Athletes preparing for an important tournament

  • Individuals who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene


Learning Styles Assessment for Golfers.


The Learning Styles Assessment for Golfers measures important factors involved in different ways to acquire and refine golf skills. The Assessment measures five distinct factors involved in golf learning: modes, preferences, receptivity to change, approach, and pptimal learning.

Ideal for
  • Golfers who feel that they are stuck in their learning process

  • Athletes who want to learn how to master their sport skills

  • Individuals who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene


Teaching Styles Assessment for Golf Coaches.


The Teaching Style Assessment for Golf measures different approaches golf teachers use in conveying their knowledge and experience to their athletes in practices. The Assessment addresses six critical areas involved in facilitating athletic learning: ocnnecting, assessing, modal teaching, providing input, teaching approach, and concluding.

Ideal for
  • Golf teachers who may be stuck in their own habitual styles
  • Instructors who would like to expand their teaching to reach more golfers
  • Golf pros who are interested in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Greene