Tips to Work Together as a Gaming Team for Peak Performance

Learn some tips on how to work together as a gaming team. Contact Winning in Sports to learn more today!

Gaming has taken the world by storm. There were almost two billion gamers in the world in 2015 and that number is expected to rise to over three billion by 2023. While Asia is still home to the most gamers, North America is the second-highest gaming region. Due to its popularity and the sophistication of games, perceptions are changing as well. Almost three-quarters of parents think that video games offer educational value, and adults report them as mentally stimulating and a great way to relieve stress. With so many people finding joy in gaming, is it any wonder that Esports, or a sport for professional gamers, is growing?

Winning in Sports offers ways to help gamers take their play to the next level. We use sports psychology assessments to identify and profile competitive strengths and areas for improvement. We offer these scientific assessments that measure more than 40 different areas of critical performance criteria, such as focus, reaction time, ability to take risks, and so much more. Our approach to competitive gaming is like no other, and you will be blown away by the results. Below, we’ll offer up tips on how to work together as a gaming team for peak performance. Contact us to get started today!

The Tips

Give Everyone a Say

Working as a team is all about collaborating and using each other’s strengths to be better than you would be as an individual. After all, everyone has the same goal and that’s to win. One of the worst things you can do as a team is create angst because someone’s opinion was shut down without consideration. Individuals are unique and bring different ideas to the table, which is what makes teams great. When strategizing for game play, ensure everyone’s voice is heard and all ideas are given weight. As a team, you can then decide as a whole which gaming strategies you will choose. You can also eliminate any hard feelings by reasoning out the reason for rejecting an idea or a gaming strategy.

Keep Communication Lines Open

Similar to allowing everyone a say, it’s critical that the communication lines are always open. If a gaming team member has a problem or a concern, this should be voiced right away and a solution found. Many great sports and gaming teams have been broken up simply by a lack of communication. This pertains to personal issues as well that teammates may be dealing with. It’s important that every team member feels valued, which means that their concerns are valued as well.

Be Friends Away From the Game

It’s super important to build camaraderie off the gaming floor as it is on. Knowing each other’s quirks and how they operate can make the difference in the middle of a professional game. Plus, let’s be honest, you entered the world of gaming because it was fun and you enjoyed the people you met and played with. You want to enjoy playing with your gaming teammates as well, so you want to like them and know them on a personal level. Spend some time doing activities in a low-stress environment that does not involve gaming, such as going to dinner, bowling, or catching a movie.

Learn Each Other’s Strengths

On a gaming team, there are many roles to play. It’s critical to designate who will play these roles, and when it comes to the hard decisions, this should be made by data and not feelings. When you take the scientific assessments from Winning in Sports, you will reach a thorough understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses and can thus delegate roles on your gaming team using that information. This can be hard when two or more teammates want the same role. However, when you take an objective approach, there are far fewer feelings hurt and your results at your gaming competitions will show. Our Esports assessments are backed by decades of sports psychology research and years of implementation in order to garner your Esports team the best results possible. Contact us today.

Partner with a Professional Gaming Coach

We cannot overstate the importance of partnering with a professional gaming coach if you are serious about taking your team’s play to the next level and achieving the peak performance you desire. Implementing our above tips are great starting points. The value of an outside perspective is integral to any team’s success, including Esports teams. This is why all of the great sports teams in every sport ever played had great coaches and staff members. They helped with team morale, practice, guidance, advice, and strategy. Reach out to our sports psychologist to learn more today.

Choose Winning in Sports for your esports gaming today


Dr. Greene is a world famous sports psychologist who has decades of experience in helping world-class athletes achieve peak performance. Through our Esports players’ assessments and individual and team coaching, you’ll soon see amazing performance results. You’ll learn how to work as a team, improve your areas of underperformance, and become a much better player. We offer valuable feedback as well as mental skills training to dramatically improve your game play. By working on these skills as well as the team’s cohesiveness and communication skills, your team will be primed to win important competitions.

If you are serious about competing at the highest levels in Esports, you can’t afford to not take our Esports individual or team assessments and consult with Dr. Greene at your earliest convenience. Visit us online to begin today!